Bulgarians in Ukraine
Ukrainian Bulgarians kept officially by the Bulgarian side, the largest Bulgarian community abroad. According to official data Bulgarians in Ukraine are 204 600, but unofficial data to our compatriots in Ukraine numbering around 320 000-437 000 people, of whom 205 000-300 000 are Bulgarian-speaking.
Bulgarians in Ukraine inhabit different areas of the southern part of the country and therefore of regional significance are formed several large Bulgarian communities.
The largest community is that of Bessarabian Bulgarians, which official figures are about 150 000.That Bulgarian community falls within the administrative district of Odessa with Odessa city center.The Bulgarian major center in the Odessa district is Bolgrad area with Bolhrad metropolis founded by Bulgarian settlers in 1821. Bulgarians are - 61.1 % of the population of Bolgrad area, but if you add turk-speaking Bulgarians (Gagauz), the Bulgarians reached 2/3- over the local population.
Another area with significant Bulgarian population is Izmailovski. Here Bulgarians are 26.3 % of the population of the area.
In Artsis region 43.1 % of the population identified themselves as Bulgarians. Bulgarians are also living in the Sarata region - 20.7% and Tarutyno region - 35.7 %. Bulgarians living in the vicinity of Odessa, and in the city itself.
Tavriyan Bulgarians are the second largest Bulgarian community in Ukrayna.In their number includes several thousand turk-speaking Bulgarians(Gagauz). Their number varies between 30 000 and 60 000. They enter the administrative area to Zaporozhye with Zaporozhye city center. Inhabit 28 villages and towns of Berdyansk, Primorsk, Zaporozhye, Melitopol. Tavriyan Bulgarians are descendants of Bessarabian Bulgarians who are priselili Priazovieto in the middle of 19 century.
Group of Crimean Bulgarians ever numbered more than 20 000 people, but after the repression of the Soviet communist regime today are between 1900 and 6 000 Bulgarians. Crimean Bulgarians mainly inhabited cities of the peninsula, as Feodosiy and Kerch.
There are and other local Bulgarian groups such as the Bulgarians of Tarnovka village, now a quarter of the city of Nikolaev and Bulgarians from village Olshanka-Kirovgradska area. Bulgarians also live in the capital Kiev, Kharkiv city, Razdelnoe, Dnipropetrovsk, Donetsk, Lugansk and others.
In Ukraine live and tens of thousands of descendants of the Volga Bulgarians kept officially as Tatars or Chuvash.
Capital: Kiev -2 611 300.
Population: 48 240 900.
Ethnicity: Census-2001:Ukrainians - 37 541 000, Russians - 8 334 000, Belarus -275 000, Romanians - 409 000, Crimean Tatars - 248 000, Bullgarians-204 600 (0.4%), Hungarians - 156 000, Poles - 144 000, Jews - 103 000, Armenians-100 000, Greeks - 91 000, Tatars (Volga Bulgars Muslims) - 73 300,Gagauz - 31 900, Chuvash - 10 600
Zaporozhye District - 1 929 200
Ethnic groups: Ukrainians - 1 364 100, Russians - 476 700, Bulgarians -- 27 800, Tatars - 5200.
-City of Zaporozhye -796 687 inhabitants Ukrainians, Russians, Jews, Greeks, Armenians, Bulgarians - 5000.
- Melitopol town -158 700 population Ukrainians, Russians, Bulgarians -4000.
- Primorsk town -12 400 inhabitants Ukrainians, Russians, Bulgarians
- Berdyansk town - 125 000 people - Russians, Ukrainians, Bulgarians-10 000. Bulgarians
live mostly in the neighborhood to the Aeroplan manifacture. Most of them are descendants of Bulgarians from Yambol, Bulgaria.
Lunacharsko-(Kutsa Berdyanka)-The village is located 7 km. from Berdyansk on the shore
of Azov Sea.In the village are living Bulgarians and Bulgarized Moldovans.
Banovka village - (Banovo) - Bulgarians-1800.The village is situated of Obitoshna River.
Preslav-in the village lives around 4000 Bulgarians a small number of Russians, Germans and
Greeks.According other data in the village, the ethnic ratio is 70% Bulgarians and 30% Ukrainians.Preslav is the cultural capital of the Tavrian Bulgarians and shore of the Sea of Azov.
Inzovo village - (Ormandzhi) - Bulgarians.The richest Bulgarian village in Priazovie.
village Kolarov (Romanovka) -2500 inhabitants Ukrainians and Bulgarians.
Marinovka village - (Mariino)-Bulgarians
Dyakovka village - (Diakovo) - (Gorni Vajsal) - Bulgarians.The village has 150 houses.His inhabitants
come-from Turnovo region of Bulgaria
Raynovka village - (Dolni Vajsal) - Bulgarians.The inhibitants of the village are descendants of
Bulgarians from Turnovo region of Bulgaria.
Zelenovka village - (Zelenovo) - Bulgarians between 3000 and 2200.
Manoylovka village - (Manoylovo) - Bulgarians- 700
Pervonikolaevka village - (Sredno Karaagach) - (Mashkir) - Bulgarians.The inhibitants are
descendants of Thracian Bulgarians from the village Karaagach.
Petrovka village - (Goren Karaagach)-Bulgarians.The inhabitants of the village are descendants of
Bulgarians from village Karaagach in Thrace.First Bulgarians based in village.Karaagach in
Bessarabia, then imigrates in Zaporozhye.
Anovka village - (Dolno Karaagach) - Bulgarians.Descendants of Bulgarians from Karaagach -
Stroganovka village - (Stroganovo) - Bulgarians and Russians
Bogdanovka village - (Bogdanovo) - Bulgarians
Stepanovka village - (Chushmeliy) - Bulgarians
Botevo (Tsarevo darovka) - (Kalenchak) -4500 people- Bulgarians-3000, Ukrainians and
Russians.The village is shore of the Sea of Azov.
Nadezhdino-village (Mahala)-Bulgarians.The village is located near Lake
Parvo Turnovo- Bulgarians.It was founded in 1862. The village has 200 houses and it is
across the lake of Molochno.
Hirsovka village (Girsovka) - (Tropokevo) - Bulgarians- 1500.Seloto is located near Lake
Palanka-(Bulgarian Pokrovka)-Bulgarians from Macedonia
Lozavatka village - Bulgarians
Bolgariyka village - Bulgarians
Sofievka village - (Sofievo) - Bulgarians
Gyunevka village - (Gyunevo) - Bulgarians 1400. (Primorsky region).
Radolovka village - (Radolovo) - Bulgarians 1200. (Primorsky region).
Palauzovka village - (Lozenets) - Bulgarians
Androvka village - (Androvo) - Bulgarians
village of Troyani - (Trojan) - Bulgarians
Fyodorovka village - Bulgarians
Georgievka village - Bulgarians
Devnenskoe village - Bulgarians
Viktorovka village - Bulgarians
Konstantinovka village - Bulgarians
Vtoronikolaevka village - Bulgarians
Dunaevka village - Bulgarians
Vladimirovka village - Bulgarians and Ukrainians
Varvarovka village - Bulgarians
Akimovka town - (Yakimovka) -12 832 inhabitants Ukrainians, Russians, turk-speaking
Bulgarians (Gagauz). The town is located in the Yakimovski region.
Aleksandrovka - turkspeaking Bulgarians. (Yakimovski area).
Vovchansko - turkspeaking Bulgarians
Gogolovka - turkspeaking Bulgarians
Dechnya - turkspeaking Bulgarians
Dimitrovka - turkspeaking Bulgarians.
According to unofficial data, Slavic Bulgarians and Gagauz in numbering between 30 000 and 60 000 people.
-Bulgarians settled in Priazovie especially between 1860 and 1862.They are known in the scientific literature as Zaporozhian, Tavrian, or Priazovian Bulgarians.